How Do I Get DP ID in Sharekhan?

  • Last Updated: 11 Mar, 2024
  • Value Broking
  • Mins
  • 2.5K
  • share
How Do I Get DP ID in Sharekhan?

You can follow these steps to get your DP ID in Sharekhan:

Step 1: Open an account with Sharekhan to execute trading. Your Depository Participant will generate your DP ID by registering you with either NSDL or CDSL.

Step 2: In the case of your account opening with NSDL, the first two characters of the Demat account number are alphabets and the following 14 characters are numerical, for example, "IN98765432123456". 

Step 3:  In case of your account opening with CDSL, the account number will consist of 16 numerals, for example, “9876543212345678”. For instance, the demat account number "9876543212345678" opened with the CDSL, "98765432" is the DP ID and "12345678" is the unique client ID.