What are Demat and T1 Holdings in Upstox?

  • Last Updated: 05 Apr, 2024
  • Value Broking
  • Mins
  • 1.4K
  • share
What are Demat and T1 Holdings in Upstox?

We have divided the delivery of any equity shares you buy into two categories to make the SEBI guidelines easier for you to follow: T1 holdings and Demat. 

It takes (T+1) i.e. trade day + 1 additional day for Upstox to receive the stock from the Exchange, as per the SEBI-mandated clearing and settlement cycle. T1 Holdings are Holdings that are yet to be settled by the Exchange.

How Do I Check Delivery and T1 Holdings?

You can check Demat and T1 holdings are available on the Upstox platform under: 

Step 1: Select the stock by going to Portfolio → Holdings to view the holding details.

upstox holdings portfolio

Step 2: Choose the stock to check the Holding details.

upstox holdings select stock

Step 3: Go to the 'History' tab and click on 'View Breakdown'.

upstox holdings select stock history
upstox holdings view breakdown

Step 4: You can find the 'Net Holdings' page with the 'Today' and 'Before' sections.

upstox net holdings

Step 5: You can verify Demat and T1 Holdings under the 'Before' section.