What are Demat and T1 Holdings in Upstox?
- Last Updated: 05 Apr, 2024
- Value Broking
- Mins
- 1.4K
We have divided the delivery of any equity shares you buy into two categories to make the SEBI guidelines easier for you to follow: T1 holdings and Demat.
It takes (T+1) i.e. trade day + 1 additional day for Upstox to receive the stock from the Exchange, as per the SEBI-mandated clearing and settlement cycle. T1 Holdings are Holdings that are yet to be settled by the Exchange.
How Do I Check Delivery and T1 Holdings?
You can check Demat and T1 holdings are available on the Upstox platform under:
Step 1: Select the stock by going to Portfolio → Holdings to view the holding details.
Step 2: Choose the stock to check the Holding details.
Step 3: Go to the 'History' tab and click on 'View Breakdown'.
Step 4: You can find the 'Net Holdings' page with the 'Today' and 'Before' sections.
Step 5: You can verify Demat and T1 Holdings under the 'Before' section.