What is Margin Intraday Square-Off Facility by Yes Securities?

  • Last Updated: 24 Jul, 2024
  • Value Broking
  • Mins
  • 1.2K
  • share
What is Margin Intraday Square-Off Facility by Yes Securities?

Day traders use a trading strategy called squaring off that uses market volatility to generate income. This means the day trader purchases several shares on the same day in a given company and later sells them off at a price higher than their initial cost. This usually results in profit for the investor (or the other way around).

For example – suppose you are interested in purchasing 1000 units of Company A at Rs. 50 per share. The total cost will be Rs. 50,000 provided you decide to use all your money. However, it is possible to place an order for these exact stocks by using our intraday trading product MIS (margin intraday squared) requiring only a 10% down payment. Therefore the total amount required for this deal is just 10 percent of 50000 rupees into Rs. 5000.

Squaring off can benefit an investor by eliminating overnight risk, leveraging capital investment, advantage of small price movements, and exploring against shares in Demat. To square off, visit the Positions report, and sell the scrip with product code MTF.