How Can the Mobile Number or Email ID be Changed Before Opening a Zerodha Account?

  • Last Updated: 12 Feb, 2024
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How Can the Mobile Number or Email ID be Changed Before Opening a Zerodha Account?

To change the mobile number or email ID before opening a Zerodha account, you need to create a ticket. Here is the guide on how to create a ticket:

Steps to Change Mobile Number or Email ID Before Opening a Zerodha Account

1Create Ticket
2Select update contact details
3Enter a new mobile number
4Enter new email ID
5Enter your current mobile number
6Enter current email ID
7Write your issue in the “Describe your issue in detail” column and click on “Create ticket”

How to Change Mobile Number or Email ID before Opening a Zerodha Account?

Step 1: Click “Create a ticket” on the Zerodha website.

zerodha create ticket

Step 2: Enter “update contact details” in the issue field.

Step 3: Enter your new mobile number. This is the number that you want to use to complete the account opening process.

zerodha enter details

Step 4: Enter a new email ID. This is the email ID that you want to use to complete the account opening process.

Step 5: Enter the current mobile number. This is the number that you want to replace.

Step 6: Enter the current email ID. This is the email ID that is required to be replaced.

Step 7: In the “Describe your issue in detail”, write your issue and click on “Create ticket”.

A ticket needs to be created to change the mobile number or email ID before opening a Zerodha account. The above guide will easily help you create a ticket and change your mobile number or email ID.