How to Add a Nominee to Zerodha Account?

  • Last Updated: 12 Feb, 2024
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How to Add a Nominee to Zerodha Account?

Adding a nominee to your Zerodha account is important to ensure the smooth transfer of assets in the event of your unfortunate demise. Zerodha allows customers to add nominees easily through their online platform, provided their mobile number is linked to Aadhaar. This article will guide you through adding a nominee to your Zerodha account online.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Log in to your Zerodha account by visiting

Step 2: Click on the "Account" tab located on the dashboard.

Step 3: Select "Nominees" from the dropdown menu.

zerodha add nominee

Step 4: Click on the "Add Nominee" option. You can add up to three nominees for your account.

zerodha click on add nominee

Step 5: Fill in the required details of the nominee, including their name and percentage of share (if multiple nominees).

zerodha fill details

Step 6: Upload the nominee's ID proof as per the guidelines provided. Ensure that the uploaded document does not have any special characters or password protection.

Step 7: Click on "Continue" to proceed with the nomination process.

zerodha click continue

Step 8: You will then be prompted to e-sign the nomination form. Click on "Proceed to e-sign" to continue.

zerodha click sign now

Step 9: Sign the form electronically by clicking on "Sign now."

Step 10: Accept the terms and conditions presented.

Step 11: Enter the Aadhaar number of the account holder and click on "Send OTP" to receive a one-time password on your linked mobile number.

Step 12: Enter the OTP received and click on "Verify OTP" to complete the authentication process.

zerodha enter otp

Confirmation and Timeline

Upon completing the above steps, Zerodha will send an email confirmation confirming that the nominee addition process has been initiated. The nominee(s) will be added to your account within approximately 72 working hours. It is important to note that due to the high volume of requests, processing time may take up to 5 days.

Additional Information and Offline Process

If your mobile number is not linked to your Aadhaar, Zerodha provides an offline process for adding a nominee. For more information on the offline procedure, refer to the relevant resources provided on their platform.


In Conclusion, adding a nominee to your Zerodha account is a crucial step in ensuring the protection of your assets. Following the simple online process outlined in this guide, you can easily add a nominee(s) to your Zerodha account, providing you and your loved ones peace of mind.